The Golden Marriage Journey

We help heart-centered and family-focused leaders break the ‘fight or flight’ cycle and reclaim a closer, deeper, and stronger marriage.

Take the first step towards healing your marriage today…

A Happy & Healthy Home Begins With You

The secret to having a closer, deeper, and stronger marriage is to start with the relationship you have with yourself…

If you want to have a happy marriage and finally…

✅ Be on the same page about your priorities and life goals

✅ Feel hopeful about the future together

✅ Reignite the spark and deepen your connection

✅ Create a dream life together

And if you want to save your marriage without…

❌ Constant fighting about core values

❌ Fear and uncertainty about your future together

❌ Feeling angry, frustrated, and disconnected 

❌ Anger, resentment, or obligation

Then join the free course and discover how you can heal your marriage today

Online Marriage Counseling - A Better Way

Get marriage counseling and coaching from real marriage experts

Hi, we’re Nancy & Brian - The Marriage Mentors

We are the founders of The Golden Marriage Journey, a beautiful path and process that helps men and women reclaim a stronger marriage.

We have been together for 23+ years and have been coaching family-focused, heart-centered leaders with their health, relationships, and lifestyle for over 30 years combined.

We help men and women reach their marriage goals and create a happy and healthy home for their families.

Our mission is to save marriages and help couples leave a legacy of love and prosperity for their families.

The success rate of The Golden Marriage Journey™ is a more empowering way of saving a marriage.

Here’s why:

✅ We teach couples how to heal their own marriages with a simple, and loving 3-phase journey, so they don’t have to rely on anyone else to fix their marriage.

✅ We have a holistic approach that focuses on mindset (mind), physical intimacy (body), and emotional connection (soul).

✅ The couples we work with have clarity; They know exactly what they’re working towards and know how to get there with confidence because of our step-by-step supported program. We help them identify their blind spots.

✅ Couples feel less stressed when they work with us because they have guidance and support for each of them as individuals and as a couple. We share both husband and wife perspectives.

✅ We get to the heart, the root, and the truth of the matter. No more beating around the bush or talking in circles. The couples we work with LOVE our approach because they feel validated, understood, and supported in all the ways!

Even Better Than
Marriage Counseling

Let go of the resentment and blame, and embrace joy, laughter, and happiness in your marriage, without relying on a marriage counselor to solve your marital problems for you.

Discover the simple 3-phase journey that will reconnect your mind, body, and soul, so that you can live the dream life that you were destined to live together.

Why is the conventional Marriage Counseling success rate very low?

  • For an experienced marriage counselor, it’s usually $200+ for a marriage counseling session. This means that the counselor is going to do her best to give you ways to soothe your symptoms of the marriage, so you feel better about coming back.

    It’s like going to see a chiropractor for back pain. Every week you go, you get an ‘adjustment’ and maybe some general back exercises. You feel better for a bit and you keep coming back every week.

    This is how many couples who seek marriage counseling, will see their counselor for years. These marriage counselors truly want you to feel better and have a heart of gold.

    However, the truth is painful, and it’s what is necessary to grow and evolve your relationship. When you do conventional marriage counseling sessions, you may not get to the real truth of your problems.

  • We’ve worked with dozens of couples who have seen a marriage counselor for years before working with us. They all say that things got better for a bit, and then they went back to the ‘same old, same old’, with no real lasting change or growth in their marriage.

    When you see a couples counselor, you often talk about your feelings, bring up the past, and maybe come up with a few key things for both partners to talk about.

    Marriage counseling focuses on talking about issues, rather than making real, physical, transformative changes in the mind, body, and soul of the relationship.

    Often, no real goals are established, and no step-by-step actionable game plan is devised. Without action, there is no change. Without change, there is no hope for the future.

    Traditional marriage counseling has couples talking in circles about their problems, leaving them in the same predicament for years.

  • In order for couples to save their marriage, it is imperative that they define their vision for the future and work on aligning their 5 F Core Values. Couples need to see eye-to-eye on:

    Faith (in LOVE or a Higher Power)

    Family (Parenting and family roles)

    Fun Love-Making (Intimacy and emotional connection)

    Freedom (Finances & Politics)

    Fitness/Food (Health)

    Focusing on these values with guided steps gives couples hope for a better future. They feel like they are progressing towards a worthwhile goal. They are excited to take each step because they see themselves moving towards the light at the end of the tunnel. During the journey, they feel hopeful and at peace with how far they’ve come.

    Without a focus, a goal, and a plan, traditional marriage counseling sessions can feel very ‘random’. There’s always a lot of catching up to do in each session, so it’s very difficult to move forward in traditional marriage counseling sessions.

  • There is a stigma with going to see a marriage counselor or therapist. Like it or not, that’s just the way it is. When a couple is in ‘therapy’, the couple can often feel like they are a ‘failure’.

    While seeking help for your marriage is absolutely the right thing to do when your marriage is struggling, there is a huge resistance that you must overcome when starting marriage counseling, especially if one of the partners doesn’t want to go.

    It’s hard enough for a man to express his feelings to his wife. When he feels he has to air out his dirty laundry to a marriage counselor or therapist (63% are women) and analyze his emotional feeling wheel, he feels like he’s learning a new language.

    Men often feel overwhelmed and even teamed up against, during traditional marriage counseling or couples therapy sessions.

    It’s hard for women to have to drag their husbands to see a therapist because they feel that their husband doesn’t care enough about the marriage. This isn’t true, but that’s how they feel.

    Men just don’t want to do therapy, and that’s understandable. You should never feel that you have to force somebody to do what they don’t want to do.

    If one of the partners has a negative and obligatory attitude toward couples counseling, it’s unlikely that the sessions would be effective - even if the marriage counselor is a true expert.

  • Marriage counselors are not more likely to have a successful marriage than the general population that they’re serving. It’s like going to see a financial advisor and not knowing if they’re actually financially well off.

    If you are sharing your deepest and darkest secrets with a stranger, it’s helpful if you can trust the person you’re divulging your personal info to. How do you know that the person you’re getting marriage counseling from actually has what you want? After all, wouldn’t you want to get advice from someone who has true expertise in what they’re teaching? Would you learn to play guitar from somebody who doesn’t know how to play the guitar? We’ll let you ponder that one.

  • While it is important to heal from past scars, couples stay in a rut because they can’t move forward. They replay the same patterns in their marriage, over and over again, repeating the same old stories. In order to heal and evolve the marriage, we must break up these patterns and start fresh.

    This is exactly what we teach with The Golden Marriage Method™. We can’t grow if we keep looking behind us. We can only grow if we look up and forward and reach toward what we desire in ourselves, our partners, and our marriages.

The Golden Marriage Journey

Discover The Superior Alternative to Marriage Counseling

A Simple 3-phase healing and transformative journey with daily support and guidance to help you heal your marriage


Make a decision and draw a line in the sand. Commit to healing your relationship holistically and growing it to the next level.

When you make a commitment to yourself, your partner, your marriage, and your family, you will feel a shift immediately in your home.


Take a step back from each other and re-discover who you are as individuals. Give each other space. Determine your own goals, dreams, and abilities. 

Gain clarity and self-confidence, and develop empathy and compassion for your partner.


Deepen your bond and intimacy by engaging in mind, body, and soul relationship-building exercises together to get to the next level of your marriage. Feel more connected in every way.

Reignite the spark, deepen emotional connection, feel supported


Create a shared vision for the future together, and agree to shared values and priorities. This alignment will create stability and excitement in your relationship.

Create a healthy and happy home, lead with love for generations

Success Stories With The Golden Marriage Journey™

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